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Child Health News

Food Allergies

More people are getting food allergies. From 1997 to 2007, 18% more children under 18 years were reported of having food allergies. Any food can ...

Benefits of Family Meals

It is well known that family meals are important and beneficial. But with new studies, family meals are becoming more recognized for their vital impact ...

Adolescent Health Visit

This fall thousands of adolescents and young adults are starting middle school, high school and college.  Before they start school, they should visit their Pediatrician ...

The Family that Eats Together Stays Healthy Together

Recent studies have shown that not only do children like to sit down at the dinner table and eat a meal with their parents, but ...

Strength Training Improves Insulin Sensitivity in Liver for Teens

It’s a well known fact that obesity is associated with Type II diabetes.  The American Academy of Pediatrics has recommended increased physical activity as the ...

Baby Blues – Perinatal and Postpartum Depression

Pregnancy and the arrival of a new baby is usually a joyous time for the new parents and their families.  Months of planning, preparation for ...

FDA Warns Against Over the Counter Chelation

The FDA warned eight companies that market over-the-counter (OTC) chelation therapies that their products are unapproved drugs and it is a violation to make unsubstantiated claims ...

Pertussis Vaccination Should Include Parents and Caretakers

Recently there has been a lot of news about the Pertussis (Whooping Cough) outbreak; there has been a concerted effort to vaccinate all children against ...

Supplements in Toddlers

Parents hope they’re doing the best things for their children. This is true from the day the child is born until they grow up and ...

Soap & Water Wipes Prevent Skin Infections in Wrestlers

Wrestlers can easily transmit skin infections during wrestling competitions;  these infections can be bacterial, fungal or viral.  Some wrestlers compete in 3 or more matches ...

Exercise in Boys Improve Insulin Resistance and Body Fat

A recent study presented at the American Diabetes Association 70th Scientific  Sessions demonstrated that aerobic or resistance exercise (weight lifting) in obese boys can decrease the ...

Pertussis Cases on the Rise in California

There has been a rise in reported cases of Whooping Cough (Pertussis) this year in California.  Over 900 confirmed and over 600 suspected cases have ...

Teen Males “Sack Tapping”

Teen males have always found ways to express their testosterone spurts during their formative years.  In the past they would find risky activities like climbing ...

Binge Eating Severity Found to be Directly Related to Severity of Childhood Sexual or Emotional Abuse

Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is an eating disorder in which an individual eats large quantities of food, usually very quickly. However, unlike Bulimia, the person ...

AAP Updates Drowning Prevention Recommendations

The AAP released new recommendations on the prevention of drowning in young children.  In the past recommendations, the AAP did not have any scientific studies ...

ADHD and Pesticide Exposure

A recent study published in the June online edition of Pediatrics showed that children with higher levels of organophosphate pesticide metabolites in their urine were at ...