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Toddlers Tantrum Tips and Tricks – What Really Works

New parents are enamored with their babies. However, babies quickly grow and before you know it they’re toddling around. Very soon after that they head into the “terrible twos.” If your child is throwing tantrums, you want to know which tips and tricks really work to combat them.

Try to pay attention to when your child has a tantrum. What has been going on right before? Knowing what triggers a tantrum is the first step in learning to avoid them.

Plan your day around their “good” times. Think about the schedule they’re used to. Try to work your running around the times they are usually the happiest or most content. Right after breakfast is often a good time because they’re wide awake and have a full tummy.

Fatigue is one of the triggers for a tantrum. If your child regularly naps at a particular time and you have to run out to the store, they’re not going to get their nap. You can then count on a meltdown at some point in your trip. Waking them from a nap before they were ready to wake up is another sure bet there’s a tantrum on the horizon. Make sure they get the quality sleep they need wherever possible, including their regular naps.

Another factor which might trigger a tantrum is being hungry. Remember that children have much smaller tummies than you have. They most likely also have a higher metabolism which means they’ll burn through what they do eat quicker than you. If you need to be out and about, be sure to have plenty of healthy snacks available. If your child starts acting out, they may need a snack.

Overstimulation is also something to consider. Have you been on a shopping frenzy and your little angel is starting to get upset? All of the getting in and out of the car and running around is too much for them. While you may be able to shop ‘til you drop, it’s not something your little one will be too enthused with.

Perhaps your child is frustrated. Have they been trying to do something and simply can’t get the hang of it? Take a few minutes to try to determine what their frustration is and how you can help them.

Listen to them. Even if they can’t communicate well, they still need you to pay attention. Help them articulate what they’re trying to say. Ask them “yes” and “no” questions to determine what they want or need. Helping them at this age may encourage them to turn to you as they get older.

When it comes to tantrum tips and tricks, knowing what really works is important. Knowing your child, their schedule and their triggers will help you avoid tantrums. You may also find some tricks which work with your child that aren’t listed here. If you find something which works well, be sure to share it with other parents who need help dealing with their child’s tantrums.