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Child Health News

Exploring Mindfulness Activities for Families

As a parent, your family’s well-being and happiness mean everything. We all know that the daily chaos can sometimes make us feel overwhelmed and disconnected. ...

Body Positive Kids: Cultivating Confidence and Self-Love

Encouraging a positive body image in kids is super important for boosting their self-confidence and happiness. In a world that often focuses on impossible beauty ...

Parenting Through the  Ages: Your Guide to Positive Parenting!

Parenting is a fulfilling yet demanding experience, with its share of joys and challenges, successes and setbacks. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed as a parent ...

Mindfulness for Kids and Teens – Information and Tips for Parents

In today’s fast-paced world, stress and anxiety have become prevalent issues among children and teenagers. With the pressure to excel academically, social challenges, and constant ...

Healthy Habits! Encouraging Physical Activity in Kids

It is becoming increasingly important for parents to prioritize physical activity for their children. With the rise in sedentary lifestyles and the growing prevalence of ...

Understanding the Crucial Role of Nutrition in Child Development

Nutrition plays a crucial role in the overall development of a child. Parents are responsible for ensuring children receive the proper nutrition to grow and ...

Sleepless Nights? Discover the Importance of Establishing a Bedtime Routine for Your Child

Getting enough quality sleep is essential for children and adolescents’ healthy development and well-being. In today’s fast-paced and technology-driven world, many children are not getting ...

How to Help Your Teenager Improve Their Body Image

Everyday, teenage boys and girls are bombarded by unrealistic portrayals of beauty and masculinity.  These visual assaults come from advertising companies by way of social ...

6 Things to Consider When Monitoring Your Family’s Screen Time

  Kids today spend much of their time in front of a screen, be it on a phone, TV or computer.  Technology has many positive ...

10 Tips to Teach Kids to Love Exercise

It seems every day there’s a news story about how children are getting fatter. Too much time spent watching TV or playing computer games, a ...

How to Talk to Your Teen About Vaping

Recently, the US surgeon general issued an advisory on teen use of e-cigarettes, with experts also stating that it’s reaching epidemic proportions. Alcohol and cigarette ...

5 Foods That Negatively Affect Your Child’s Mood

Parents intuitively know that food can impact their child’s behavior and mood. We know that sweets, for example, can cause bouts of hyperactivity. But mood-altering ...

3 Ways to Stick to Your Diet During the Holidays

Are you looking forward to celebrating the holidays this year? Are you planning which parties you’ll attend and which ones you’ll skip? Are you choosing ...

How to Keep Your Child Active During Summer Break

  Remember when you were a kid dreaming of summer days spent hiking, fishing, and playing outdoors? Childhood looks a lot different today than it ...

Summer Sun Safety for Kids

With all the information out there telling us how bad the sun is, it is a wonder anyone goes outside these days. But staying indoors ...

How Early Is Too Early for a Dental Exam?

Most children in the United States don’t go for their first dental visit until sometime after their second birthday. The average age for a first ...