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Tracy Enright

Tracy Enright is a UK-based freelance writer with a special interest in child development, ageing and diversity issues. She is the mother of two small children. She is working hard to instil a love of reading and learning in her children and is pleased at the results but suspects she may have picked up a case of dinosaur fever along the way. She has recently taken the opportunity to go back into education, studying psychology and sociology, believing that the best way to get children to do something is to show them how much fun it is. Tracy has twenty years experience working in human resources and has spent much of her career supporting managers in dealing with some of the trickier problems of managing people. She is a Chartered Member of the Institute of Personnel and Development.

How to Encourage Self-Motivation in Your Child

Self-motivation is a trait that is often underrated. It’s more than just getting out of bed in the morning; it can significantly impact your child’s ...

Moving Onwards: Your 12-Year-Old

You’ve supported your child for over a decade, and your son or daughter is fast approaching their teenage years. What can you expect in the ...

Moving Onwards: Your 13 to 15-Year-Old

Your child is now officially a teenager, and it can be a challenging time for both of you. While they might be walking more confidently ...

Why You Should Encourage Listening Skills

You might think listening is an automatic response, and it’s true it can be hard to shut out the noise of the world around you, ...

How to Help Your Child Learn Appropriate Behavior

Children don’t always behave; in fact, it takes time to learn the social rules for different situations. Parents play a key role in helping their ...

Encouraging Your Child’s Socio-Dramatic Play

It’s great watching children play; they seem to have limitless imaginations when it comes to amusing themselves. Research has identified several types of play that ...

Why It’s Good to Teach Your Child to Ride a Bike

  Most kids want to learn to ride a bike, and it’s an easy way to get them into the fresh air and exercising, but ...