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The Challenges and Rewards of Single Parenting – A Guide

Would it be at all shocking to you, to hear and learn that as many as ONE THIRD of families in the USA today,  are headed up by a single parent (both male and female representatives)?

Personal circumstance, divorce, abandonment, even death, leaves the main custodial, remaining parent having to cope with all the care-giving, nurturing, role-modeling, challenges, rewards, obstacles and joys meant for a partnership of TWO! It can be overwhelming and wonderful, nightmarish and extremely tough – all at once. This practical, hands-on guide will take an overview of some of these and offer advice that can be used EVERY DAY!

Few parents are really prepared for dealing with the aftermath of the loss of a partner, let alone a fellow parent, regardless of the cause.

Oftentimes feelings of desperation, being overwhelmed and stressed out, are very typical. Single parenting demands are nothing to snuff at, they can seem like insurmountable challenges and steep hills to climb on any given day! THEY ARE NOT TO BE UNDERESTIMATED…

The challenges are very real! Luckily, so are the rewards. Yes, there are two sides to this coin! YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE AND BE A SUCCEESSFUL SINGLE PARENT. With the handy tips, suggestions and recommendations in this e-book you will discover the joys and secrets of single parenting.

Here are just some of the major, initial challenges most single parents face :

(NOTE: you might actually recognize a few already or be able to add a couple of your very own…)

  • Coping with loss (of a partner, lover, friend and fellow-parent)
  • Assuming additional roles and responsibilities (being everything to everyone)
  • Enabling and Adjusting to the new role and circumstances
  • Providing continuity and avoiding disruption for the children and family
  • Helping children cope with the situation, loss and circumstance
  • Dealing and coping with own emotions and changed condition
  • Battling societal prejudice and stigma of single-parent homes and care-giving
  • Adequate care and fostering the needs of the children
  • Maintaining self-confidence in the eyes and judging of others (stereotyping)
  • Feelings of doubt, low self-esteem and inadequacy
  • Balancing effective parenting with career (work/home) life
  • Time and financial constraints
  • Dealing with the rest of the family, step family, new romantic interests, dating and support networks

Here are some of the strategies that can help you right away as a single parent on this road/path/journey ahead:

  • Learn to speak directly WITH your children NOT at them
  • Loving, consistent discipline with tough rules that matter and are the same day-to-day, providing security in uncertainty are essential – communicate and execute them well in all that you do and attempt.
  • Clear communication and firm decision-making will lead the way for and in your new family unit.
  • Multi-tasking and managing many different things, roles and responsibilities all by yourself and sometimes all at once too!
  • Making every second count and working SMARTER, not HARDER!
  • Doing more with less really counts!
  • Being a committed parent EVERY MOMENT, taking all responsibility for attention and care of their children
  • YOU DO NOT HAVE TO GO/TRY IT ALONE! Use and call on support and reaching out to others will keep you sane

This social and societal reality we refer to as SINGLE PARENTING – that we increasingly find ourselves in – can be highly intricate and quite complex. It deals with social, emotional and even economic pressures that needs and demands, help and support.