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Reward Suggestions For Kids – A Guide for Parents

Reward Suggestions For Kids A Guide for

Rewards can be used as positive reinforcement for modifying negative behaviors. Rewards that are selected by the child are usually the most powerful. Also, a variety of reward possibilities helps to keep a child motivated over a long period of time. Rewards can be privileges, things or activities with parents. Be sure rewards don’t become a substitute for words of praise and encouragement; rewards are most meaningful when given along with positive words and touch from parents. Check out these suggestions your child will love!

Home Reward Possibilities for Preschoolers

  • Going to the park
  • Listening to a bedtime story
  • Playing with friends
  • Playing on a swing set
  • Spending the night with friends or grandparents
  • Playing games
  • Going out for ice cream
  • Finger painting
  • Computer time
  • Staying up an hour later

Home Reward Possibilities for Elementary School Children

  • Taking time off from chores
  • Going to a ball game
  • Camping in the backyard
  • Ordering pizza
  • Choosing a special breakfast
  • Eating out
  • Planning a day’s activities
  • Sleeping in a different place in the house
  • Taking a trip to the park
  • Selecting something special for dinner

Home Reward Possibilities for Teenagers

  • Having dating privileges
  • Having friends over
  • Taking dancing or music lessons
  • Making a trip alone
  • Taking the car to school for a day
  • Having car privileges
  • Getting to stay out late
  • Getting to sleep in late on the weekend
  • Going to a concert with friends
  • Having their own cell phone