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Top Tips for Dads – Getting Involved with Your Family

As dads, you might find that you need to make a deliberate effort to spend time with your family. If you don’t stay home with the kids during the week, then you might find that you are missing out. An engaged dad who participates with his family helps make a stronger family unit – according to many studies and sources, a dad’s participation can make for happier, healthier children who perform better in school and are more socially assured.

So what’s a dad to do? Here are some general tips for dads getting involved with your family.


Dads and moms alike tend to think of parent organizations like the PTA as moms’ groups. But if dads are simply asked to participate, this conception may change. When someone at the school asks for dads’ participation, then dads begin to realize they are needed. They do not necessarily intuit that need, so direct asking is probably best.

Give Him a Task

Attending meetings with no noticeable goal or purpose does not tend to motivate dads. But having a particular task to perform or job to do can inspire dads to get involved. Try giving Dad something specific he can do, such as a household project, that can include the kids. For example, painting a door or fence could be a good family project for the weekend, or helping with a science project.

The Proper Mindset

Sometimes, it helps just to get the right mindset about spending time with your family. For instance, you might want to schedule in the time with family rather than just waiting for it to happen. Maybe the weekends (or one day of the weekend) could be considered family time. Then you will plan your activities accordingly. Evenings or whatever time you have off from work can be dedicated to family activities, at least in part.

Look for Opportunities

As you go about your day and week, you will probably hear about school projects, events, upcoming holidays, and so forth. Think of ways you can get in on the event, whether it’s helping with a project, meeting with a teacher, or taking your kids shopping for gifts for others.

You Don’t Have to be Perfect

Sometimes, dads can feel awkward or uncertain about family involvement, so they stay away or lie low. But no one is perfect, and ultimately your kids will benefit from your “imperfect” interaction far more than they will from your lack of it. It’s okay to make some mistakes!