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school help, homework help, learning disabilities, reading comprehensionParenting articles on learning psychology to assist parents in helping children and teens to succeed in school and in life.  Help for reading problems & dyslexia, learning disabilities and homework.  Learning style information helps parents encourage creativity and academic success.

Parents should be each child’s first and favorite teacher.
Child Development Institute provides information on child and teen learning styles along with guidelines and tools to enable parents to provide the input and activities children need at critical stages of development.  The timing and appropriateness are key to children learning important skills.

Children may have difficulty mastering certain developmental tasks or academic subjects.  We also provide suggestions on how to help kids when they are struggling.  We offer expert help for new readers or struggling readers including dyslexia, math, language plus study skills development and homework help. We also provide recommendations for educational toys and games and programs to improve reading and other study skills.

Featured Articles for Parents on Learning & School Issues

Homework and Study Habits: Tips for Kids and Teenagers

Certain key practices will make life easier for everyone in the family when it comes to studying and organization. However, some of the methods may require an adjustment for other members of the family.

Read To Succeed: Tips for Improving Reading in Children and Teens

Reading skill is essential to learning all other subjects taught in school. The better the reading skills children have and the earlier they have them determines how rapidly and how well they will achieve in school. Failure to be able to read at grade...

About Learning Disabilities

Learning disability research provides the understanding and practical suggestions parents need to help children and adolescents succeed in school and in life.

Multiple Intelligences

Each child has a unique set of learning styles and intellectual skills. Parents and teachers can learn how to help children maximize their learning potential by recognizing and building on strengths.

Latest Blog Posts on Learning & School Issues

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