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How to Declutter Your Children’s Toys

  You walk into your child’s playroom or bedroom and grimace. If you’re lucky, you haven’t tripped over anything or pierced the bottom of your ...

Why Kids Should Learn to Cook

As more and more emphasis is placed these days on eating whole foods and having meals at home, some people may be eager to embrace ...

Eliminate Chaos: The 10-Step Process to Organize Your Home and Life

I find it amazing how clutter affects most of us and still, we can’t seem to find the strength to clean up our mess. Clutter ...

Working Mother Advice: How to Manage Your Kids’ After-School Activities

Working mothers often have a double duty. They work a 9-to-5 job (or some other shift); then they get home and have to take care ...

Secrets of an Organized Mom

Stressed out mothers and many others want to know the secrets of being an organized mom. They may wonder if being organized as a mother ...