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5 Hiker Survival Skills You Can Teach Your Child in a Weekend

There has been a surge in the popularity of long-distance hiking.  The Appalachian Trail Conservancy lists statistics of those who attempted a thru-hike of the ...

When to Give Your Child a Phone

While phones used to be a luxury of the rich or the province of the parents, it has since become common for children to have ...

How Early Is Too Early for a Dental Exam?

Most children in the United States don’t go for their first dental visit until sometime after their second birthday. The average age for a first ...

4 Remedies for Common Childhood Mishaps

Childhood is messy, sticky, and gooey, but we wouldn’t want it any other way. The time you have with your kids is short, and crying ...

4 Smart Organization Tips for Your Child’s Toys

If you have kids, you have probably tripped over a skateboard or stepped on a block a time of two. When those household incidents happen, ...

Why You Should Get Involved in Your Child’s Activities, Hobbies, and School

It’s probably no secret that children who have involved parents are more happy, healthy, and well-adjusted and excel at their educational and extracurricular pursuits. It ...

4 Reasons to Keep Your Daughter Out of Child’s Beauty Pageants

If you’ve ever watched Toddlers & Tiaras on The Learning Channel, you’ve probably seen some the horrendous behavior displayed by parents and children in the ...

Preschool Activities You Can Do At Home

Once your young child begins attending preschool, he or she will begin to ask to do some of their favorite activities at home. Here are ...

Moving On: Your 5-Year-Old’s Development

Your child has started school, and though they’ll be learning about themselves and the world around them in class, you still have a critical role ...

Why It’s Good to Teach Your Child to Ride a Bike

  Most kids want to learn to ride a bike, and it’s an easy way to get them into the fresh air and exercising, but ...

Speech & Language Goals in Preschool

It is the preschool years when children’s language abilities really take off. By the age of 5, while your preschooler won’t be able to engage ...

Parenting Made Easy: How to Help Your Child Learn to Read

You helped your child learn to crawl. You helped them learn to walk. You even helped your child learn to use the potty. Now, it’s ...

How to Handle Your Budding Picasso – Some Tips for Preserving Your Child’s Artwork

If you are like so many parents, the family refrigerator is overflowing with great works of art your son or daughter has created through the ...

When to Consider Speech Therapy

When a child doesn’t reach a milestone “on time”, it can make parents anxious. Even though children develop at different rates, it can still be ...