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10 Classic Rainy Day Activities for Teens


In the age of video games, cell phones, and computers, it isn’t hard for teenagers to find something to do on a rainy day. Spending too much time in front of a screen isn’t ideal for anyone, especially when there are some old-fashioned ways to have fun.

Here are ten screen-free activities for teens from decades past that can turn what teens consider a boring rainy day into a good time.

1. Put on a skit or play. Acting is a wonderful way to get creative. Your teenagers can write their own skit or borrow one from a book. They can perform for family, friends, and younger children in the neighborhood.

2. Cook. Activities that involve food are always a hit with teens. Putting together a lunch or dinner is also a great way to practice teamwork. Meals can be made to enjoy or give away to someone in need.

3. Create a poster. Your children can cut out pictures from magazines, make collages, or design a poster from scratch. Creating a design that’s inspirational or dedicated to a cause can make this activity especially meaningful.

4. Play a classic card game. Playing cards is not only fun, but it’s also a great way to keep teens thinking. Old favorites among teenagers include hearts, whist, rummy, kings in the corner, and poker.

5. Take in free local culture. Many zoos, museums, and history centers are free and have plenty to offer kids, from incredible animals to exciting exhibits. Local cultural events, such as free concerts, art fairs, and book talks are worth checking out, too.

6. Go on a scavenger hunt. Who doesn’t like an old-fashioned scavenger hunt? Encourage your children to look for unusual items around the house. They can also head to the mall and hunt for freebies, like store catalogs, flyers, shopping bags, and samples.

7. Write a song, story, or poem. Writing is a fun way to express yourself. Your kids may discover it’s hard to stop once they start a writing project!

Related: Family Fun Card Games Everyone Can Learn

8. Go bowling. You don’t have to be a good bowler to enjoy the sport of bowling. Teens can socialize while cheering each other on in this favorite, affordable activity.  shutterstock_238780441

9. Play an old board game. Digging through the closet for an old board game is worth the effort. Many board games of the last century are still popular with teens. The oldies but goodies include Scrabble, Scattergories, Career, Clue, Risk, Yahtzee, and Twister.

10. Do volunteer work. Whether it’s helping at an animal shelter, a food bank, or the public library, volunteers are always in need—and they’ll get plenty of benefits from this age-old activity, including work experience, making new friends, and fun!

Finding a rainy day activity for teenagers that doesn’t involve today’s technology is easier than you think. All it takes is a step back in time. And who knows? Maybe your teenager will discover a new hobby that doesn’t involve a video game controller or the buttons on a mobile phone.