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Child Development

How to Help Your Teenager Improve Their Body Image

Everyday, teenage boys and girls are bombarded by unrealistic portrayals of beauty and masculinity.  These visual assaults come from advertising companies by way of social ...

6 Things to Consider When Monitoring Your Family’s Screen Time

  Kids today spend much of their time in front of a screen, be it on a phone, TV or computer.  Technology has many positive ...

How to Build Your Child’s Confidence and Self-Esteem

Self-esteem plays a significant role in the development of healthy children. A recent study published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology suggests that a ...

10 Ways to Deal with Sibling Rivalry

All relationships have moments of tension, disagreement, and problem solving. The family unit is the first place a child can learn conflict resolution, especially regarding ...

How to Encourage Self-Motivation in Your Child

Self-motivation is a trait that is often underrated. It’s more than just getting out of bed in the morning; it can significantly impact your child’s ...

How to Teach Your Child to Be More Responsible

Teaching children responsibility is one most important life goals you have as a parent to help prepare them to be successful adults. But, as you’re ...

Moving Onwards: Your 12-Year-Old

You’ve supported your child for over a decade, and your son or daughter is fast approaching their teenage years. What can you expect in the ...

Moving Onwards: Your 11-Year-Old’s Development

Your child is facing significant changes in their life: a new school, approaching teenhood, and a changing body may feel scary and make life challenging. ...

Moving Onwards: Your Ten-Year-Old’s Development

Your child is now officially in their second decade, and while they no longer need you to hold their hand as often, you still have ...

Moving On: Your Nine-Year-Old’s Development

You’ve been a parent for nine years. You’ve seen your child progress from a helpless infant to an increasingly independent child with their own personality, ...

Moving Onwards: Your 13 to 15-Year-Old

Your child is now officially a teenager, and it can be a challenging time for both of you. While they might be walking more confidently ...

Communication Strategies for Parents of Children with ADHD

  Parenting a child with attention deficit disorder or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a challenge. Communication is essential and communicating with a child who ...

15 Valuable Life Skills to Teach Your Teen as They Prepare for Adulthood

As a parent, your job is to take care of your children until the day arrives when they can strike out on their own. While ...

Set Your Child Up for Success by Teaching Healthy Boundaries

As a parent, you may have wondered how best to help your children learn to make positive choices. One way to set your children up ...

5 Books to Help with Potty Training

Three pivotal events mark the development of a toddler: the first word, the first step, and potty training. Generally, a child doesn’t need too much ...

How to Calm a Crying Baby

The earsplitting screams of a baby can irritate the sweetest soul. It can also aggravate postpartum depression and compromise the health of the mother. Since ...