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Family Building

The Developmental Benefits of Chores for Kids & Teens

Whether your kids are preschoolers or teenagers, there are benefits to giving them chores to do around the house.  In a May 2022 research article ...

Upgrade Your Hike

How many times has someone told you to “take a hike”? Chances are they weren’t concerned with your cardiovascular health. When it comes to getting ...

8 Reasons Why Sharing Family Meals Is Important

You may think that the biggest benefit of eating together as a family is to ensure everyone has food in their stomachs. However, sharing meals ...

10 Ways to Deal with Sibling Rivalry

All relationships have moments of tension, disagreement, and problem solving. The family unit is the first place a child can learn conflict resolution, especially regarding ...

6 Ways to Teach Kids the Value of Money

It’s never too early to teach your children about the value of money, including how to save, so that when they reach adulthood, they’ll be ...

7 Ways to Connect with Your Children

All parents worry from time to time that they’re not connecting with their children the way or as often as they would like. You might ...

A Parent’s Guide to Screen-Free Activities for Kids

Teens in the United States are spending nearly nine hours a day using a digital device, according to a study conducted by Common Sense Media. ...

How to Create Quality Time with Your Family As a Busy Mom or Dad

Spending quality time with your child has more to do with ordinary daily life than what you might initially expect. It’s simple and meaningful interactions, ...

Want to Get Fit With Your Family? Here’s How You Can Make it Happen

It’s no secret that healthy living is important, but getting in shape when you have kids can be tough. Maybe you stopped exercising when you ...

Stepfamily Success: How to Draw Your Blended Family Closer Together

Let’s rewind to the 1970’s. Even if you haven’t seen it, you may have heard about a hit sitcom of the time called, “The Brady ...

Everyday Practices to Make Your Child Feel Loved

Your children need your love, time, and undivided attention. As a parent, you’re likely to be the most significant influence in their lives — it’s ...

10 Traits of a “Good Enough” Parent

Let’s face it, no one is perfect. That being said, we all know there is no such thing as a perfect parent, even though we ...

Patriotic Craft Ideas for Kids

There are all kinds of ways to celebrate Independence Day. An excellent way to spend quality time bonding with your kids is to make decorations ...

How and Why to Teach Your Kids to Help with Household Chores

Other animals don’t have to do household chores, but in nature, purposeful play is typical. When a kitten pounces on a ball of wool, it’s ...

4 Tips for Discussing Current Events with Children

Often the things children see and hear on the news or on websites that cover the news may be confusing and alarming. Even if you ...

3 Tips for Balancing Your Family Life with Your Career

It’s not always easy to stay close to your partner and kids while working full-time. Many people find themselves feeling like they have to choose ...