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Keeping Your Kids Entertained During a Road Trip

Keeping Your Kids Entertained During a Road Trip_mini

The decision to take a road trip with your family is an exciting one. Maybe you remember taking road trips during your own childhood and you have some special memories you want to recreate with your kids. Maybe you just want to try to spend time exploring the world around you. You might even want to see some specific tourist attractions. No matter what your motivation is for traveling, it’s important to learn how to keep your kids entertained while you’re on the road. Boredom can quickly cause an enjoyable road trip to turn into a struggle and even the most well-behaved children can become unruly. Fortunately, proper planning can help make your journey flow a little more smoothly.

First off, make sure that you take advantage of technology. Don’t be afraid to let your kids watch movies in the car, play games on your tablet, or listen to music. Many parents worry that their kids might spend too much time gaming, but during a road trip, video games and movies can be a lifesaver. Pack favorite DVDs, some new movies, and extra batteries. If your family owns an iPod or iPad, you can download some apps for your child to enjoy during the trip. Make sure that you also pack plenty of wipes so that your child can clean his hands before using your tablet or gaming console.

Although technology is a wonderful thing, keep in mind that you should still pack other items to entertain your child, as well. Picture books, coloring books, crayons, small games, and action figures can be fantastic ways to keep your child occupied. If your little one likes Lego bricks, you can even pack a small bucket or box of Lego for your youngster to play with. Some parents also choose to buy a new toy for the road trip. This can bring your child quite a bit of excitement, so make sure you choose something special and meaningful if you choose to buy something new.

Finally, try to remember games that you enjoyed as a child. If your little one absolutely cannot be entertained by any of your toys or gadgets, it’s time to start looking out the windows. Play license plate counting games, try to find each letter of the alphabet on signs you pass, or count other items out of the windows. You could even try singing some familiar songs together as a family. Remember that road trips are a time to bond and spend time together, so don’t be afraid to actually talk with your child if he’s feeling bored or begins to get tired during the trip.