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Spending the day at the amusement park with your kids

Here are a few simple tips to make a family trip to an amusement park safe and fun for all:

  • Bring bottles of water, kids get thirty and dehydrate quicker than adults do – bottled water costs $2 at a lot of major parks
  • Sunscreen everybody, every time – getting burnt ruins the fun
  • Buddy system – everybody has a buddy and travels in twos
  • Everyone gets a map as soon as you arrive and you agree on a meeting spot on that map (mark it with a pen!) in case of separation
  • Let them pick things from the map to do so they feel a part of the decision making process
  • Don’t push them into riding something they are afraid of it will dampen the experience for them
  • Avoid pricey park snacks by carrying crackers and dried fruit in a waterproof bag
  • You can arm the kids with walkie –  talkies or cell phones just in case of separation or a problem
  • You can pack a cooler full of sandwiches for lunch and have lunch at your vehicle or a picnic area