
NEW Parenting Course: Transform Your Parenting Skills with Holistic Positive Parenting™

Search Results for: healthy self esteem – Page 4

Child Psychology and Mental Health

Understanding your child is one of the most important things that you should learn as a parent. It is very helpful in becoming effective in guiding and nurturing ...

Lesson 1 – Child Development 101 for Parents

This lesson provides parents with an overview of important and valuable data derived from neuroscience and attachment science.  The information will help parents understand the concept ...

15 Valuable Life Skills to Teach Your Teen as They Prepare for Adulthood

As a parent, your job is to take care of your children until the day arrives when they can strike out on their own. While ...

How to Talk to Your Teen About Vaping

Recently, the US surgeon general issued an advisory on teen use of e-cigarettes, with experts also stating that it’s reaching epidemic proportions. Alcohol and cigarette ...

Social & Emotional Development in Children and Adolescents

Social/Emotional development starts with the bond between the child and its caregivers.  The primary bond is usually with the mother and with increasing participation of ...

Why You Should Get Involved in Your Child’s Activities, Hobbies, and School

It’s probably no secret that children who have involved parents are more happy, healthy, and well-adjusted and excel at their educational and extracurricular pursuits. It ...

5 Ways to Build a Successful Marriage

Marriage almost always brings two completely different people together. Unsurprisingly, conflicts can happen, but implementing small, simple steps can help strengthen your marriage. These  tips ...

6 Survival Tips for Successful School Mornings

Have you ever noticed an inverse relationship between the behavior of parents and their children in the early hours of school mornings? As parents become ...

Pediatric Obesity: The Unspoken Epidemic

  The press has frequently focused on infectious disease epidemics such as H1N1 influenza and HIV, but rarely discusses the growing problem of pediatric obesity. If ...

Behavioral Treatment for Children with ADHD

In their Treatment Guidelines for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (1), the American Academy of Pediatrics clearly states that a care plan for children with this ...