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Teenage Turbulence: Navigating Emotions and Mental Health in Adolescence

The teenage years are often described as a rollercoaster of emotions, with mood swings, intense feelings, and challenging behaviors being the hallmarks of adolescence. Navigating ...

Boosting Focus for Students with ADHD: Tips to Help at Home and School

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects millions of children and adolescents worldwide, causing difficulties in school and everyday life. As parents and educators, it can be challenging ...

Good News During Mental Health Month for Parents Looking for Psychosocial Help for ADHD Kids

  Many parents are looking for psychological help for their kids who have ADHD but often have difficulty connecting with a child psychologist who specializes ...

What to Do When Your Child with ADHD Is Being Bullied

Bullying can be defined as unsolicited, aggressive behavior involving an imbalance of power. It can be physical (punching, kicking, etc.), and can also take the ...

Attention and Concentration Problems

Attention and Concentration Problems:  Biofeedback and Neurofeedback as Alternative  Therapies for Helping Your Kids Perform Better in School, Sports, and Life Few of us have ...

Childhood ADHD May Predict Depression and Suicidality

A recent study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry showed that children diagnosed with ADHD between 4 to 6 years old were at higher ...

ADHD and Pesticide Exposure

A recent study published in the June online edition of Pediatrics showed that children with higher levels of organophosphate pesticide metabolites in their urine were at ...

ADHD in Adolescents Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Stimulants

In a recent study comparing treatment regimens in adolescents with ADHD and substance abuse problems, patients were given Concerta with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and placebo with CBT.  The ...

ADHD diagnosed in Adults

More and more adults are now being diagnosed with ADHD.  Part of the reason is that ADHD is now recognized more and more by physicians ...