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Food Allergies and Summer Camp: What to Consider

Summer is about having fun and taking a break from school. For parents, it can mean finding a way to entertain their kids; sending them to camp is ...

Antidepressants Cut Risk of Hospital Re-admission for Suicidal Youth

Suicidal adolescents who were prescribed an antidepressant medication during inpatient psychiatric hospital treatment were 85 percent less likely than others to be readmitted within a ...

New Research Uncovers How Antidepressants Work

Reserachers at Queensland Brain Insitute in Australia have discovered the class of drugs that increase levels of a neurotransmitter known as ‘norepinephrine’ triggers neurogenesis – ...

How to Control Acne in Your Teen

  Teenagers are famously unkind to each other, and having an acne problem is like having a target on your back. Cruel comments and poor ...