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5 Things You Can Do on a Hike

Man and child  playing.





It is important to exercise and walking is a great way to do that. However, simply walking can be boring. Here are five things you can do on a hike that will make it more enjoyable and interesting.

Bird watching: Check out a book from the library that has pictures of birds in your region or look online to see which birds can be found in your area. If you have a smart phone, you can also find bird watching apps that will let you not only see what the bird looks like but has audio of them singing. Decide how many different birds you would like to find on your hike and keep track of them. The next time you decide go hiking, take your list and see if you can find new birds that are in near your home.

Fishing:It is not uncommon for fathers to take their children fishing. Why not combine hiking and fishing for more time in nature and with one another? Instead of heading for the local lake, get out a map of your area. Check to see if there are any out-of-the-way public lands with lakes, ponds, streams or rivers. If you can find one that is off-the-beaten path, you can make a picnic lunch, hike out to the location and then enjoy an afternoon of fishing with the children.

Camping:Take time to do some research about the route you plan to take on your hike. There may be camping sites along the route if you care to look for them. You can also plan to do primitive camping. Remember, however, if you choose to camp in a primitive setting to be to take your garbage out with you and be sure any campfires are thoroughly put out before leaving.

Swimming:Another option to consider while hiking is to plan to go swimming. There is nothing like splashing around in streams, rivers or lakes. Of course, you will want to verify swimming is allowed in the waters, as well as be sure the water current is not too strong for younger hikers or there are not dangerous fish in the water.

Scavenger hunts:Make a list of items you would like your party to find while hiking – bird’s nest, mushrooms, particular trees, wildlife, etc. Take along a camera so you can take pictures of the items once you find them rather than removing them from nature. Having the scavenger hunt will give you and those with you something to focus on during the trip rather than simply walking to get to a destination.

Remember, when you go hiking to follow normal safety practices:

1. Let others know when you are going, where you are going, who is with you on the trip and when you expect to return.

2. Take along a first aid kit, plenty of water and food for the expected length of the trip.

3. Be sure to carry a change of clothing and a set of clothes for cooler weather just in case the weather changes dramatically before you return.