Parenting Blog & Articles
New Research Uncovers How Antidepressants Work
Reserachers at Queensland Brain Insitute in Australia have discovered the class of drugs that increase levels of a neurotransmitter known as ‘norepinephrine’ triggers neurogenesis – ...
First Lady Comments on Childhood Obesity
Michelle Obama tackles childhood obesity with a new program “Let’s Move” Visit her site for more information on how to keep kids fit.
How to Control Acne in Your Teen
Teenagers are famously unkind to each other, and having an acne problem is like having a target on your back. Cruel comments and poor ...
When is a learning problem a PROBLEM?
A recent article by Edward Schultz in LDA Newsbriefs concerns new definitions of learning disabilities that must be recognized through the 2004 Individuals with Disabilities ...
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 101
What is a child and adolescent psychiatrist? As a child and adolescent psychiatrist, my job is to evaluate and treat individuals with psychiatric disorders. Child ...
What Are Your Kids Doing Right Now?
I am a child of the 50’s when radio, record players and TV were the main sources of media entertainment within the home. I spent ...