NEW Parenting Course: Transform Your Parenting Skills with Holistic Positive Parentingâ„¢

Pamela Myers, BSEd

Pamela Myers received a BsEd in Education and her teaching credential from USC and is a retired 6th-grade teacher. She is married to Dr. Robert Myers and is proud to be the mother of two grown children and a grandmother. She has continued to work with children through her volunteer work. She loves nature and is an accomplished painter and photographer. She also enjoys traveling and attending music and theater events. Pam is the co-creator and co-narrator along with Dr. Myers of the Holistic Positive Parenting Course.

When to Give Your Child a Phone

While phones used to be a luxury of the rich or the province of the parents, it has since become common for children to have ...

How Early Is Too Early for a Dental Exam?

Most children in the United States don’t go for their first dental visit until sometime after their second birthday. The average age for a first ...

5 Ways to Get Your Teen to Stop Drinking Energy Drinks

Are you concerned that your teenage son or daughter is drinking too many energy drinks? Between 30% and 50% of young adults say that they ...

5 Reasons Why Your Toddler Won’t Pipe Down

When your preschooler learns to talk, you’ll be able to enjoy a proper conversation with him. But he may expect that conversation to carry on ...

4 Remedies for Common Childhood Mishaps

Childhood is messy, sticky, and gooey, but we wouldn’t want it any other way. The time you have with your kids is short, and crying ...

10 Quick and Easy Toddler Snacks

Fruits and vegetables are ideal snacks for little ones. They’re packed with vitamins and antioxidants, and also contain useful amounts of minerals and trace elements. ...

4 Smart Organization Tips for Your Child’s Toys

If you have kids, you have probably tripped over a skateboard or stepped on a block a time of two. When those household incidents happen, ...

Why You Need a Family Emergency Plan

You may wonder why family disaster preparedness is important, especially if you don’t live in a hurricane- or tornado-prone area. While there are many reasons, ...

Why You Should Get Involved in Your Child’s Activities, Hobbies, and School

It’s probably no secret that children who have involved parents are more happy, healthy, and well-adjusted and excel at their educational and extracurricular pursuits. It ...

How to Help Your Child Kick the Thumb Sucking Habit

Thumb sucking is a concern many parents have. Toddlers suck their thumbs because it’s comforting and calming. It’s probably something they did before they were ...

Training the Fussy Eater

Toddlers can be fussy eaters who refuse to try a new food at least half of the time. Approximately half of all toddlers fit this description, ...

Productive and Positive Potty Training

Your child’s showing all the signs of being ready to potty train. That’s great! But now where do you start? Explain to your toddler that ...

4 Reasons to Keep Your Daughter Out of Child’s Beauty Pageants

If you’ve ever watched Toddlers & Tiaras on The Learning Channel, you’ve probably seen some the horrendous behavior displayed by parents and children in the ...

Preschool Activities You Can Do At Home

Once your young child begins attending preschool, he or she will begin to ask to do some of their favorite activities at home. Here are ...

3 Things to Do on Your Family Staycation

The economy may finally be on the road to recovery, but a lot of people are still feeling the squeeze. Sadly, one of the first ...

3 Wholesome Snack Ideas Your Preschooler Will Love

Every preschooler looks forward to snack time! While the convenience of packaged, processed snack foods is tempting, these junk food choices are generally loaded with ...