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Children Media Safety

Interactive Educational iOS Apps for Toddlers

Are you a busy parent who occasionally allows your child playtime on your smartphone in order to get work done?  Do you feel guilty that you ...

How to Keep Your Kids Safe Online

All parents know that keeping up with children can be difficult and exhausting. From the minute they wake up until their head hits the pillow at ...

How to Help Your Child Overcome Trauma at School

Schools are supposed to be safe places to send children, but unfortunately disasters and violence don’t care. From natural disasters like earthquakes, flooding, and tornadoes, ...

How to Get Teens to Tune Out of Social Media and Tune into Summer

All year long, your teen is attached to some electronic device. Whether it’s a cell phone, computer, iPad, or another portable device, wouldn’t it be ...

Fun Ways to Pull Your Kids Away From the TV

Too much television has a detrimental effect on all of us. It’s been linked to obesity, particularly in children. Media exposure has also been correlated ...

Tips for Managing Your Child’s Social Networking Activities

While there are benefits to social networking for children, there are many downsides too. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics recently released a study ...

Teenagers and Personal Security Online

In some ways, the internet is safer than “real life” socializing – after all, your teen is not outside on the street after dark; he ...

How to Stop the Cell Phone Wars

So many teenagers the country over have cell phones. Either theyíre talking on them constantly or using text messaging to communicate with friends. While you ...

Protecting your Kids on the Internet

We hear of online predators all the time. You hear about things you can do to protect your children. Have you done them? We have ...

Do These 4 Things to Keep Your Kids Safe Online

Kids today have a different relationship with computers and the Internet then their adult counterparts. Schools now integrate computer use into the curriculum, as knowing how to ...

How to Teach Your Children Cell Phone Etiquette

Teaching your child to say “please” and “thank you” is usually second nature; it’s been done for generations and comes pretty naturally. But teaching your ...

Surprising Videogame Benefits

Video games have been linked to violence, poor school performance, behavioral problems and addictive behaviors. But recently there have been studies to use videogames to ...

Video Game Addiction, Obsession, or Habit: How Much is Too Much?

I am often asked some variant of this question, and a few of my recent cases have stimulated me to explore more evidence-based answers to ...

Cell Phones – When to Consider Buying One for Your Kid

It used to be that kids begged their parents for a phone in their rooms. Now, parents are asked to make a different decision: whether ...

Plugging In and Quality Time with Kids

How many times have you been annoyed when the people around you are talking on their cell phones too loudly or texting during a movie ...

Movie Ratings: What You Should Know About It

Your 12-year-old child wants to see the newest movie that’s all the rage. You’re not sure it’s appropriate for your child to watch. Movie ratings ...