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Child Development

Development Activities for 5-Year-Olds

Your son has started school and, though he’ll be learning about himself and the world around him in class, you still have a key role ...

Moving Onwards – Your Four-Year-Old’s Development

Your child is four-years-old, and it’s likely you’ll be looking ahead to enrolling him in school soon. There is a nagging worry that can trouble ...

Tech Treats for New Parents

Are you an expectant mom preparing for the birth of your eagerly anticipated child? Or are you a protective partner stressing over the arrival of your ...

5 Child-Friendly Apps to Encourage a Love of Storytelling

Does your child have a vivid imagination? Do they love telling tales of curious creatures? Thanks to storytelling apps, your child can turn their imaginary ...

Interactive Educational iOS Apps for Toddlers

Are you a busy parent who occasionally allows your child playtime on your smartphone in order to get work done?  Do you feel guilty that you ...

How to Prepare Your Child for the Pediatrician

A trip to the doctor can be traumatic for young children. Adults often forget just how frightening sitting in a medical office can be, and ...

Why Early Intervention Programs Benefit Kids with Developmental Delays

Parents often have a vision of how the first few years of their child’s life will go – filled with the traditional milestones of rolling ...

Why Playing Hide-and-Seek is Good for Your Child

Children love to play hide-and-seek from their earliest days, but it’s not just a silly game. Playing peekaboo with your baby leads to searching for ...

10 Ways to Encourage Smart Snacking

Raising kids with healthy eating habits is getting more difficult by the day. We live in a preprocessed and prepackaged world, and getting kids to ...

What to Do When Your Child with ADHD Is Being Bullied

Bullying can be defined as unsolicited, aggressive behavior involving an imbalance of power. It can be physical (punching, kicking, etc.), and can also take the ...

The Value of Teaching Your Little Ones to Cook

From the time that your little one can stand and walk on her own, she’s ready to become mommy or daddy’s kitchen helper. Exactly what ...

How to Be a Better Sideline Parent

Each and every parent wants to see their child succeed in whatever sport or activity they take up. As a child, many American children decide ...

How Fathers Can Nurture a Special Bond with Their Daughters

Every father has undoubtedly heard the phrase “daddy’s little girl.” This popular saying speaks volumes about the importance of the relationship between a father and ...

How to Change Your Child’s Eating Environment

Getting your teen to eat healthier isn’t a simple task, particularly if this is the first time that you’re attempting to incorporate better food choices ...

Activities to Build a Family Bond Any Time of Year

With the transition to spring, the days of sunshine, rain, and warmer temps are here. There is no better time of year to get outside and ...

Why Your Family Should Eat Together: 2 Critical Reasons

  Many families have gotten away from the tradition of sitting down together for breakfast in the morning, lunch at midday, and dinner every night. ...