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Seven Tips to Help Moms Enjoy Summer

Seven Tips to It’s been a long, hard winter, hasn’t it? Summer is finally here and it’s time for you to get out of the house and enjoy yourself. Here are 7 tips to help moms enjoy summer.

1. Spend a day in the park with the kids. Pack a lunch and have a picnic! Bring your favorite music and the kids’ toys and enjoy the fresh air!

2. Enjoy a day relaxing in your backyard. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping and you’ve worked hard to create a beautiful space outside, why not enjoy it? Have your morning coffee, read your local newspaper or simply relax and soak up the sun.

3. Go for a walk or run. Don’t worry about putting on makeup; just put up your hair if it’s long, and set out on a beautiful summer morning until you break into a sweat. You’ll be amazing at how energized you’ll feel after!

4. Call a friend and plan a girl’s day. Buy a new outfit and a pair of sandals to go along with it. Have lunch and enjoy the day together.

5. Want to get away from it all? Find a sitter for the weekend and take off for a romantic getaway with your husband. Don’t make plans, just go with the flow; imagine the freedom you will feel and the anticipation of not knowing where you’ll wind up. It can be exhilarating.

6. Craving family time? Go for a bike ride in your local park with the entire family. Get an early start and spend the entire day outdoors with the kids!

7. Go to a musical or play and grab dinner afterwards. Call friends you haven’t seen in a while and make plans. Enjoy the night out walking along the streets in the warm night air.

You’ve had to endure a very harsh winter. You deserve a little time for you, time with friends, and family. Make the most of summer!