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Moving Onwards – Your Four-Year-Old’s Development

Your child is four-years-old, and it’s likely you’ll be looking ahead to enrolling him in school soon. There is a nagging worry that can trouble ...

Benefits of Making Babyfood at Home

If you’re a new mom, you want what’s best for your baby. A healthy baby begins with good nutrition. Supermarket shelves are loaded with prepared ...

Tech Treats for New Parents

Are you an expectant mom preparing for the birth of your eagerly anticipated child? Or are you a protective partner stressing over the arrival of your ...

How to Teach Mindfulness Meditation to Children

Mindfulness meditation is practiced sitting with eyes closed, cross-legged on a cushion with your back straight.  Attention is put on the movement of the abdomen when ...

Your Baby’s First Test: Understanding the Apgar Score

  The Apgar score is a test that was designed by Virginia Apgar, an American anesthesiologist, to evaluate the condition of newborns immediately following birth.  ...

Seven Tips to Help Moms Enjoy Summer

It’s been a long, hard winter, hasn’t it? Summer is finally here and it’s time for you to get out of the house and enjoy ...

Summer Safety Tips: Water Safety

Beaches and pools are synonymous with summer. However, its important to keep safety in mind when playing near water. To make this an enjoyable and ...

Summer Food Safety Tips

Like cold and flu season, there seems to be a food-borne illness season – food-borne illnesses are at their peak during summer months. The warm ...

Tips for Keeping Your Teen Safe on the Road This Summer

Your teen has just received his license and the worrying begins. Summer is just around the corner and your teen will be spending more time ...