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4 Remedies for Common Childhood Mishaps

Childhood is messy, sticky, and gooey, but we wouldn’t want it any other way. The time you have with your kids is short, and crying ...

10 Quick and Easy Toddler Snacks

Fruits and vegetables are ideal snacks for little ones. They’re packed with vitamins and antioxidants, and also contain useful amounts of minerals and trace elements. ...

How to Help Your Child Kick the Thumb Sucking Habit

Thumb sucking is a concern many parents have. Toddlers suck their thumbs because it’s comforting and calming. It’s probably something they did before they were ...

Training the Fussy Eater

Toddlers can be fussy eaters who refuse to try a new food at least half of the time. Approximately half of all toddlers fit this description, ...

Productive and Positive Potty Training

Your child’s showing all the signs of being ready to potty train. That’s great! But now where do you start? Explain to your toddler that ...

4 Reasons to Keep Your Daughter Out of Child’s Beauty Pageants

If you’ve ever watched Toddlers & Tiaras on The Learning Channel, you’ve probably seen some the horrendous behavior displayed by parents and children in the ...

5 Tips to Save Your Toddler’s Words Forever

If you have a young child, you’ll probably be recording their changing looks and developments with your camera. But what about their words? Kids often ...

5 Tips for Avoiding a Toddler Tantrum When Shopping

  If you’re planning a shopping trip with your toddler, you’ll be crossing fingers you can get him around town without a tantrum. But that’s ...

Top Ipad Educational Apps

The Apple iPad is one of the most well-known, and most widely adopted tech devices of modern times. Almost singlehandedly, Apple revolutionized the handheld computer ...

Parenting Made Easy: How to Help Your Child Learn to Read

You helped your child learn to crawl. You helped them learn to walk. You even helped your child learn to use the potty. Now, it’s ...

Stop That Screaming – Dealing With Tantrums

It can happen to you. Your child will be lying on the floor in the middle of the supermarket having a full-blown meltdown. You will ...

So Easy a Toddler Can Do It: Chores Simple Enough for a Toddler

Life with a toddler can get messy. From finger paints to piles of laundry, it seems like chores may never get done. By involving your ...

How to Support Your Child’s Creative Side

For many children, art comes naturally. From painting and drawing to making music; the arts are not only a source of fun but also a ...

Moving Onwards – Your Four-Year-Old’s Development

Your child is four-years-old, and it’s likely you’ll be looking ahead to enrolling him in school soon. There is a nagging worry that can trouble ...

Raising Healthy Kids in an Unhealthy World — 10 Ways to Encourage Smart Snacking

Raising kids with healthy eating habits is becoming more difficult by the day. We live in a preprocessed and prepackaged world, and getting kids to ...

Play Date Out and About

For all the moms of small kiddos out there, you know that just finding ways to keep the little ones occupied can be an ongoing ...