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Dad’s Corner

ADHD and Pesticide Exposure

A recent study published in the June online edition of Pediatrics showed that children with higher levels of organophosphate pesticide metabolites in their urine were at ...

Current Criteria for Diagnosing Eating Disorders May Exclude Sickest Patients

A new study from the Stanford University School of Medicine and Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital has found that many patients who do not meet full ...

Rethinking ‘‘Generation Me’’

In a scientific analysis of approximately one-half million high-school seniors over three decades,  Brent Donnellan and Kali Trzesniewski of the University of Western Ontario argue teens ...

Antidepressants Cut Risk of Hospital Re-admission for Suicidal Youth

Suicidal adolescents who were prescribed an antidepressant medication during inpatient psychiatric hospital treatment were 85 percent less likely than others to be readmitted within a ...

New Research Uncovers How Antidepressants Work

Reserachers at Queensland Brain Insitute in Australia have discovered the class of drugs that increase levels of a neurotransmitter known as ‘norepinephrine’ triggers neurogenesis – ...

How to Control Acne in Your Teen

  Teenagers are famously unkind to each other, and having an acne problem is like having a target on your back. Cruel comments and poor ...

What Are Your Kids Doing Right Now?

I am a child of the 50’s when radio, record players and TV were the main sources of media entertainment within the home. I spent ...