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Child Psychology

6 Major Benefits of Breastfeeding

Deciding whether or not to breastfeed your child is a deeply personal matter and supporters on both sides of the issue tend to have strong ...

Tips for Identifying Your Child’s Behavior Triggers

  You’ve probably witnessed and experiences firsthand the meltdown in the grocery store.  From emotional breakdowns to aggressive behavior, children rarely exhibit this type of ...

How to Help Your Child Overcome Trauma at School

Schools are supposed to be safe places to send children, but unfortunately disasters and violence don’t care. From natural disasters like earthquakes, flooding, and tornadoes, ...

5 Ways Dads Can Be More Involved with Their Children

Dads often feel left out when a new baby arrives. The changing, feeding, and general caregiving tasks are often left to Mom. In fact, it’s ...

5 Great Reasons to Read to Your Kids

In a recent survey, one in three parents said that they read bedtime stories with their children every night. However, over half the parents said ...

What Is Mindful Parenting?

It seems for every generation there is a parenting trend or approach that is new. In 2009, Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD, released a revised edition of ...

What to Do When Your Child Twists the Truth

As children develop emotionally and mentally, they begin to figure out not only that their words and actions have consequences, but that they can also ...

Signs You’re A Helicopter Parent and Why That Matters

Have you ever been called a “helicopter parent”? It’s a type of parenting that is not well received by many school administrators or other parents. ...

Subtle Signs Your Child Is Being Bullied

Bullying is aggressive behavior among school-aged children that involves a real or perceived threat. Bully behavior is typically repeated and has the potential to escalate ...

Catching and Solving Reading Problems

Helping an ADHD child improve his reading requires systematic evaluation of skills conducted by his teacher and with the involvement of his parents.  A collaborative effort ...

Homework 101

One of the single biggest sources of conflict between an ADHD kid, parent, and teacher is homework.  Forgotten assignments, frustration, short attention span, lack of ...

Homework Strategies for Students with Learning Disabilities

Homework presents a challenge for all parents. However, if your child has learning disabilities, it can require extra thought and attention. The good news is ...

Does Excessive TV in Early Childhood Negatively Impact Later Functioning?

A recent study in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine reports that early television exposure has negative effects on children’s functioning at follow-ups as ...

Learning Disabilities and Extreme Patterns of Responding to Others

In addition to classroom challenges, one of the challenges facing students with learning disabilities or challenges is learning to curtail extremes in the way they ...

Choosing good Friends

Friendship is an important part of your child’s healthy development.  Companionship helps children mature emotionally and morally and also teaches them social skills such as ...

What Are the Habits of Highly Successful People?

Have you ever wondered what those highly successful people have that you don’t seem to? Or maybe you are one of the successful people and ...