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Reading Comprehension

Summer Reading at Home – Learning and Fun for Kids and Teens! 

As the summer months approach, many parents may be wondering how they can keep their children entertained and engaged in educational activities while school is ...

Instilling a Love for Reading & Learning in Children

In a world where screens dominate our lives, parents must cultivate a passion for reading and learning in their children. Books offer a gateway to ...

How to Keep the Reading Going All Summer Long

While kids and parents are looking forward to the end of school and the beginning of summer, most parents want their kids to continue to ...

6 Reasons Why Reading Fiction Is Crucial for Children’s Development

Obviously, the ability to read is vital for children’s academic progress since without it, they would not be able to understand their textbooks. Schools aim ...

4 Easy Ways Parents and Teachers Can Get Boys to Read

The number of boys who are proficient readers is significantly lower than it is for girls. This should be a matter of grave concern to both ...

Parenting Made Easy: How to Help Your Child Learn to Read

You helped your child learn to crawl. You helped them learn to walk. You even helped your child learn to use the potty. Now, it’s ...

Interactive Educational iOS Apps for Toddlers

Are you a busy parent who occasionally allows your child playtime on your smartphone in order to get work done?  Do you feel guilty that you ...

Summer Reading: 6 New Books for Kids

Reading not only improves comprehension and cognition, but it can lure your kids away from endless hours of TV and video games. Here’s a list ...

5 Great Reasons to Read to Your Kids

In a recent survey, one in three parents said that they read bedtime stories with their children every night. However, over half the parents said ...

Catching and Solving Reading Problems

Helping an ADHD child improve his reading requires systematic evaluation of skills conducted by his teacher and with the involvement of his parents.  A collaborative effort ...

Fun Summer Idea for Kids: Writing/Journaling

Writing is an important skill children practice every day in school. When school is out for the summer don’t let the writing stop. Check out ...

Fun Summer Ideas for Kids: Reading

As kids look forward to the last day of school, teachers remind their students to read at least 25 books over the summer. While this ...

Reading for Fun – Top Tips to Encourage Your Child

You know reading’s fun – in fact, as an adult, you’d probably love to have time to curl up with a good book – but ...

Storytelling for Children

From babyhood to the early teens, children love to hear a good story. Without the use of books, telling stories takes on a different dimension. It ...

Teach Your Children Well . . . By Reading to Them

A recent study by the Department of Education that was reaported in Science Daily reported that 44% of Fourth Graders in the United States are ...

Sure-Fire Ways to Get Your Teen to Read Every Day

With advances in technology, reading is becoming a lost art. More and more kids are finding other activities to engage in. what can you do ...