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How to Get Involved with Your Child’s School

  Getting involved in your child’s school activities is an excellent way to further develop a bond with your child. Getting involved also helps your ...

5 Ways to Deal with Your Kid’s Homework Challenges

Homework can be very challenging, especially for high-energy kids who have a hard time sitting still at school, much less at home. As a parent, ...

Why Your Child Should Learn How to Code

Computers are an important part of the world we live in. Technology is everywhere and it is advancing at a rapid rate, which means children ...

How to Create a Homework Space

RELATED: Download Our Free Homework Charts! If your child is like most, doing homework can be a chore. Completing homework is often the last thought ...

How to Keep Your Child Active During Summer Break

  Remember when you were a kid dreaming of summer days spent hiking, fishing, and playing outdoors? Childhood looks a lot different today than it ...

3 Ways to Handle a Bad Report Card

Every parent wants to know that their child is smart. Whether your child is a bubbly first grader or a moody teenager, you want what’s ...

Top Ipad Educational Apps

The Apple iPad is one of the most well-known, and most widely adopted tech devices of modern times. Almost singlehandedly, Apple revolutionized the handheld computer ...

Help! I Hate My Child’s Teacher

Tight deadlines, too many tasks, and less than mediocre pay are what teachers face today. Common core, standardized testing, and disciplinary issues take away from ...

Establish a Daily Routine With Expectations Clearly Defined and Discussed in the Family

When giving chores or responsibilities around the house, be sure they are reasonable, limited in number, and developmentally appropriate for your child. Check out these ...

Cool Education Resources for Parents to Discover

Are you the cool parent who discovers new tech treats before anyone else? Are you constantly on the hunt for educational tools that combine learning ...

Interactive Educational iOS Apps for Toddlers

Are you a busy parent who occasionally allows your child playtime on your smartphone in order to get work done?  Do you feel guilty that you ...

Summer Reading: 6 New Books for Kids

Reading not only improves comprehension and cognition, but it can lure your kids away from endless hours of TV and video games. Here’s a list ...

Why Early Intervention Programs Benefit Kids with Developmental Delays

Parents often have a vision of how the first few years of their child’s life will go – filled with the traditional milestones of rolling ...

What to Do When Your Child with ADHD Is Being Bullied

Bullying can be defined as unsolicited, aggressive behavior involving an imbalance of power. It can be physical (punching, kicking, etc.), and can also take the ...

How to Set Limits on After-School Activities

   School-age children are faced with many choices for extracurricular activities, and finding the right balance between school and after-school activities can be a challenge. ...

5 Tips to Help Students Write Better Papers

In this era of text messaging and Facebook, many kids don’t spend a lot of time honing their formal writing skills. This can be a ...