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Parenting Blog & Articles

10 Ways to Deal with Sibling Rivalry

All relationships have moments of tension, disagreement, and problem solving. The family unit is the first place a child can learn conflict resolution, especially regarding ...

10 Classic Rainy Day Activities for Teens

In the age of video games, cell phones, and computers, it isn’t hard for teenagers to find something to do on a rainy day. Spending ...

How to Encourage Self-Motivation in Your Child

Self-motivation is a trait that is often underrated. It’s more than just getting out of bed in the morning; it can significantly impact your child’s ...

6 Ways to Teach Kids the Value of Money

It’s never too early to teach your children about the value of money, including how to save, so that when they reach adulthood, they’ll be ...

How to Teach Your Child to Be More Responsible

Teaching children responsibility is one most important life goals you have as a parent to help prepare them to be successful adults. But, as you’re ...

7 Ways to Connect with Your Children

All parents worry from time to time that they’re not connecting with their children the way or as often as they would like. You might ...

Does Your Child Act Entitled? How to Reduce Your Child’s Sense of Entitlement.

Parents want their children to succeed, but overindulging or sheltering them can eventually backfire. According to experts, the next generation of adults lives in an ...

Moving Onwards: Your 12-Year-Old

You’ve supported your child for over a decade, and your son or daughter is fast approaching their teenage years. What can you expect in the ...

Moving Onwards: Your 11-Year-Old’s Development

Your child is facing significant changes in their life: a new school, approaching teenhood, and a changing body may feel scary and make life challenging. ...

Moving Onwards: Your Ten-Year-Old’s Development

Your child is now officially in their second decade, and while they no longer need you to hold their hand as often, you still have ...

Moving On: Your Nine-Year-Old’s Development

You’ve been a parent for nine years. You’ve seen your child progress from a helpless infant to an increasingly independent child with their own personality, ...

Moving Onwards: Your 13 to 15-Year-Old

Your child is now officially a teenager, and it can be a challenging time for both of you. While they might be walking more confidently ...

The Ultimate List of Age-Appropriate Chores for Children and Teens

There are many benefits to having children help around the home. Giving children chores can make them feel important, teach essential life skills, and help ...

Communication Strategies for Parents of Children with ADHD

  Parenting a child with attention deficit disorder or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a challenge. Communication is essential and communicating with a child who ...

11 Tips for Becoming a Peaceful and Calm Parent

Anger and frustration are universal human emotions, but that doesn’t mean you have to be a victim of negative feelings. As adults, we have an ...

Temperament and Your Child’s Personality

Information on temperament and how it effects personality development in children from Child Development Institute. Discusses how to understand your child's temperament and how to ...

Thanksgiving is Almost Here: Start Reducing Holiday Stress Now

While the holidays can create some of the happiest moments in your life, they can also cause a great deal of stress. On top of ...

Halloween Safety Tips

Halloween is a fun event for children, but it can be treacherous if you don’t know how to keep them safe. Children love dressing up ...

Screen Time Recommendations For Parents: How Much Is Too Much For Kids?

The amount of screen time children spend in front of digital devices is worrying. Children don’t seem to tire of watching YouTube on mom’s smartphone, ...

Super Foods for Kids and How to Serve Them

When you hear the words “super foods,” many people assume that kids won’t like whatever the super food is. We tend to think of super ...

A Parent’s Guide to Screen-Free Activities for Kids

Teens in the United States are spending nearly nine hours a day using a digital device, according to a study conducted by Common Sense Media. ...

15 Valuable Life Skills to Teach Your Teen as They Prepare for Adulthood

As a parent, your job is to take care of your children until the day arrives when they can strike out on their own. While ...

The Summer Camp Guide for Parents

Summer camp can be an excellent opportunity for children and teens to grow and develop. While at camp they learn to be more independent and ...

14 Easy Relaxation Practices to Share With Your Children and Teens

Everyone experiences times when they wish they could relax for a few minutes. Taking a few moments to engage in simple, everyday relaxation techniques will ...

Set Your Child Up for Success by Teaching Healthy Boundaries

As a parent, you may have wondered how best to help your children learn to make positive choices. One way to set your children up ...

How to Create Quality Time with Your Family As a Busy Mom or Dad

Spending quality time with your child has more to do with ordinary daily life than what you might initially expect. It’s simple and meaningful interactions, ...

How to Talk to Your Teen About Vaping

Recently, the US surgeon general issued an advisory on teen use of e-cigarettes, with experts also stating that it’s reaching epidemic proportions. Alcohol and cigarette ...

Want to Get Fit With Your Family? Here’s How You Can Make it Happen

It’s no secret that healthy living is important, but getting in shape when you have kids can be tough. Maybe you stopped exercising when you ...

10 Affordable Gift Ideas for Holiday Shopping on a Budget

The holiday season is all about goodwill, good friends, family, and love. Unfortunately, in our society, we’ve been conditioned to believe that the best way ...

Stepfamily Success: How to Draw Your Blended Family Closer Together

Let’s rewind to the 1970’s. Even if you haven’t seen it, you may have heard about a hit sitcom of the time called, “The Brady ...

Everyday Practices to Make Your Child Feel Loved

Your children need your love, time, and undivided attention. As a parent, you’re likely to be the most significant influence in their lives — it’s ...

How to Prepare for Your Child’s Parent-Teacher Conference

Parent-teacher conferences make many parents nervous — еѕресіаllу іf thеir child has behavioral problems or іѕ underperforming. Upon accepting the invitation, as a parent, it may ...

10 Traits of a “Good Enough” Parent

Let’s face it, no one is perfect. That being said, we all know there is no such thing as a perfect parent, even though we ...

How to Talk to Your Kids about Divorce and Help Them to Cope

Divorce can put a strain on every member of the family, especially children. It’s often challenging to be positive in a situation like this and ...

8 Ways to Prevent Behavior Problems in School-Age Kids

    Sadness, like any feeling, is a normal emotional phase every person has to go through. Due to drastic shifts and changes of events ...

Identifying Social Anxiety in Teens

Although anxiety disorders affect one in eight children, they often go unrecognized as mental health issues in teens. Social anxiety disorder, in particular, can take ...