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Parenting Blog & Articles

Helping a Child Cope with the Death of a Loved One

There are many ways to show children who are dealing with grief and loss that you care. Here are some things to keep in mind as ...

How to Help Your Children Get a Great Start at Their New School

Think about how you felt when you first began school, or if your family relocated and you transitioned into a different school altogether. You were ...

Back to School: How to Get a Good Routine Going

  Before you know it, the school bells are ringing, and it’s time for the kids to head back to school. Do you have your ...

Homework Help: 4 Tips for Parents on How to Make Homework Fun

  With the competitive, not to mention stressful, academic environment today, more and more kids are experiencing difficulty keeping up with the demands of the school. ...

College Packing List: What Every College Student Needs

Is your child heading off to college this fall? Packing for college can be stressful for both kids and parents. Whether your son or daughter ...

4 Social Media Apps that All Parents Should Know About in 2018

With new social media applications launched every day, it’s often difficult for parents to stay informed and monitor which are the safest and which are ...

5 Books to Help with Potty Training

Three pivotal events mark the development of a toddler: the first word, the first step, and potty training. Generally, a child doesn’t need too much ...

Zip Line Rules!

What is it about a zip line that makes people laugh as soon as they launch themselves on a fast and furious ride on what ...

How to Calm a Crying Baby

The earsplitting screams of a baby can irritate the sweetest soul. It can also aggravate postpartum depression and compromise the health of the mother. Since ...

Patriotic Craft Ideas for Kids

There are all kinds of ways to celebrate Independence Day. An excellent way to spend quality time bonding with your kids is to make decorations ...

Keep Your Kids Safe: Tips to Avoid the Biggest Dangers

      Being a parent always comes with a certain amount of anxiety. Today, the news is full of horrific tales of school shootings ...

Using Summer Camp to Prepare Your Elementary Student for Middle School

          Summer vacation is a concept that gets significant attention in the United States. People argue whether it’s long enough or ...

5 Tips to Make Life Easier While Reducing Parental Burnout

Before you prepare your first cup of coffee each morning, do you already feel exhausted and overwhelmed? These are just two signs of parental burnout. ...
Grieving Child Cope on Mothers Day

Ten Ways to Help Your Grieving Child Cope on Mother’s Day

Three months ago, I lost my mother to cancer. Her death was very sudden and unexpected because no one, including my mother herself, knew she ...

How and Why to Teach Your Kids to Help with Household Chores

Other animals don’t have to do household chores, but in nature, purposeful play is typical. When a kitten pounces on a ball of wool, it’s ...

How to Avoid Losing Your Child in a Public Place

For a parent, there are few worse experiences than losing sight of a young child in a public place, such as a mall or a ...

How to Get Your Child Interested in Astronomy

Children have their own innate interests and parents should always encourage them. But subjects like astronomy needs an introduction, as its presence in our day ...

4 Tips for Discussing Current Events with Children

Often the things children see and hear on the news or on websites that cover the news may be confusing and alarming. Even if you ...

Why Writing Thank You Notes Teaches Kids Good Manners

You may or may not advocate handwritten thank-you notes in your home; no doubt, you have your reasons either way. Some folks believe the practice ...

Raising Your Kids with Respect: How to Teach Your Child to Care for the World Around Them

One of the biggest challenges modern parents face is instilling respect in their children. This isn’t an issue in which you can just tell your child, ...

7 Ways to Survive Another Snow Day

Remember last winter, with its record-setting snow? And the 82 snow days your kids had? Well, this winter is predicted to be even snowier, so ...

6 Indoor Activities for Teens and Young Adults

By Susie Yakowicz Is family night becoming a bore for your teen and young adult children? Finding ways to keep older kids entertained at home ...

Clever Ways to Keep Kids Entertained During the Holidays

The holidays are exciting, what with all the cookies, lights and too-cute specials on TV, but pause for a moment to consider how all that ...

5 Foods That Negatively Affect Your Child’s Mood

Parents intuitively know that food can impact their child’s behavior and mood. We know that sweets, for example, can cause bouts of hyperactivity. But mood-altering ...

Learn How to Tackle Technology with Children in the Digital Age

It’s impossible to ignore the fact that the coming generations will be growing up with more and more technology. It’s everywhere and impossible to hide ...

3 Tips for Balancing Your Family Life with Your Career

It’s not always easy to stay close to your partner and kids while working full-time. Many people find themselves feeling like they have to choose ...

How to Keep Children Safe Online In Six Steps

The Internet has become a part of everyday life, and it’s hard for the younger generation to imagine a day without it. As well as ...

JADE: An Easy Mnemonic for Difficult Family Members

Setting firm boundaries with your relatives is hard. Whether you love them too much to say no or loathe how quickly they get under your ...

How to Help Your Child Develop a Positive Homework Habit

Doing homework is one of the things children just hate to do. Most of the time, they put off finishing their homework because they think ...

4 School Bus Safety Lessons for Kids

  School bus safety has been at the forefront of the news lately.  Despite the recent media attention, school buses are actually a relatively safe ...

How to Raise a Happy Teenager

  Teen depression is a serious problem in America, with an estimated 20% of adolescents suffering depression at some stage. Changing hormones make life tough ...

How to Help Your Teen Prepare for the SATs or ACTs

While some colleges no longer require SAT or ACT scores for admission, most college-bound students will need to take at least one of these tests. ...

6 Things Parents Need to Know About Teenagers and Drugs

  Every teenager goes through a critical period in their teens when they discover drugs. Some ignore the temptation, some try drugs and move on, ...

5 Things Parents Need to Know About Bullying

Sadly, young people today are facing what seems to be an increasing amount of bullying – and not just on playgrounds or in their neighborhoods. Aggression ...

5 Healthy Homework Habits Recommended by Teachers

Teachers know that the best time to develop healthy homework habits for your family is before homework becomes a problem.  Parents who approach their children’s ...

Empathy: Teaching Kids to Value Others

Empathy is one of those strange qualities – something almost everyone wants, but few know how to truly give or receive it. In a world ...