NEW Parenting Course: Transform Your Parenting Skills with Holistic Positive Parenting™

Catching and Solving Reading Problems


Helping an ADHD child improve his reading requires systematic evaluation of skills conducted by his teacher and with the involvement of his parents.  A collaborative effort must be put forth in order to help a child become a successful reader. Set up regular meetings with your child’s teacher to make sure that there is consistency in approach and to make sure that his needs are being met.

Knowledge before remediation is essential because no one size fits all. It is important to set goals based on observation of skills. Take note of  where the problems seem to be.

Is your child having problems in any of the areas listed below?

  1. Word attack and word analysis skills
  2. Comprehension
  3. Overall attention span
 Does your child know the sounds of individual letters or letter combinations?  Have him read aloud a list of familiar and unfamiliar words and listen to how he sounds them out.  Once the areas of weakness are identified, then specific skills can be taught.  (Individual tutoring in reading appears to be more effective than group instruction.)
If attention span is a big issue, make sure reasonable time limits are set for assessment and lessons so that your child will stay focused and not become frustrated.  Short intervals will help with memory, retention, and frustration.
There is hope for the ADHD child!  Many teachers are available after school for tutoring and your child can “buddy up” with other kids in his class and play fun reading games that directly address specific areas of weakness.  The phonetic, “sound-it-out” method of reading remediation is one of the few methods that have been shown to help kids with reading problems.  Be aware, patient, and committed and you will have a happy and successful reader at home and in the classroom.