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Establish a Daily Routine With Expectations Clearly Defined and Discussed in the Family

When giving chores or responsibilities around the house, be sure they are reasonable, limited in number, and developmentally appropriate for your child. Check out these ...

Financial Skills Your Child Needs Before Heading Off to College

A child leaving for college is a stressful experience. After all, you watched your child enter the world, you held his hand as he took ...

Development Activities for 5-Year-Olds

Your son has started school and, though he’ll be learning about himself and the world around him in class, you still have a key role ...

How to Support Your Child’s Creative Side

For many children, art comes naturally. From painting and drawing to making music; the arts are not only a source of fun but also a ...

Moving Onwards – Your Four-Year-Old’s Development

Your child is four-years-old, and it’s likely you’ll be looking ahead to enrolling him in school soon. There is a nagging worry that can trouble ...

Tech Treats for New Parents

Are you an expectant mom preparing for the birth of your eagerly anticipated child? Or are you a protective partner stressing over the arrival of your ...

Cool Education Resources for Parents to Discover

Are you the cool parent who discovers new tech treats before anyone else? Are you constantly on the hunt for educational tools that combine learning ...

5 Child-Friendly Apps to Encourage a Love of Storytelling

Does your child have a vivid imagination? Do they love telling tales of curious creatures? Thanks to storytelling apps, your child can turn their imaginary ...

Interactive Educational iOS Apps for Toddlers

Are you a busy parent who occasionally allows your child playtime on your smartphone in order to get work done?  Do you feel guilty that you ...

How to Teach Mindfulness Meditation to Children

Mindfulness meditation is practiced sitting with eyes closed, cross-legged on a cushion with your back straight.  Attention is put on the movement of the abdomen when ...

Camping with Toddlers 101

Whether you’re an experienced camper or you’re looking for a new way to spend family time, camping with your toddler can be wonderful and exhausting. ...

Summer Reading: 6 New Books for Kids

Reading not only improves comprehension and cognition, but it can lure your kids away from endless hours of TV and video games. Here’s a list ...

5 Inexpensive Ways to Keep the Kids Entertained This Summer

It doesn’t take long for the excitement of summer vacation to give way to boredom. Soon enough, your kids will be sitting around the house, ...

Why Playing Hide-and-Seek is Good for Your Child

Children love to play hide-and-seek from their earliest days, but it’s not just a silly game. Playing peekaboo with your baby leads to searching for ...

4 Parenting Lessons from March Madness

Brackets, cash prizes, bragging rights, upset,s and watch parties – what more could a college basketball fan ask for? Sports fanatics anxiously await the arrival ...

5 Tips to Help Students Write Better Papers

In this era of text messaging and Facebook, many kids don’t spend a lot of time honing their formal writing skills. This can be a ...