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Parenting Blog & Articles

The Moveable Feast – A Picnic Cookbook for All Seasons

If you are a picnic-loving family and already have your picnic basket ready, The Moveable Feast cookbook gives you great ideas for picnic food for ...

Family Fun Runs – A Great Day Out for the Whole Family

Staying active is important for remaining healthy. One way to ensure your family stays healthy is by participating in family fun runs. They’re a great ...

Helping Kids Deal with Parents’ Unemployment

Unemployment can be scary for adults who are going through it. What about your children? They may not know the particulars but they know that ...

Language Immersion Programs – Is It Right for My Child?

For those parents who live in an area where language immersion programs are offered, it may be difficult to make the choice as to whether ...

Having the Puberty Talk

Puberty is one of the most dramatic periods a person undergoes in his life.  It is the transition from childhood to adulthood.  Our bodies go ...

Helping Your Children Thrive in School

Even though it’s the child who is going to school, there is so much you can do as a parent to help your children thrive ...

Why Sports Are Great for Teens and How to Get Started

Teens get involved in a lot of things in high school. Some are involved in clubs and others are part of the band. There are ...

Yoga and Martial Arts

In my practice I am often asked about exercise for kids and teens.  What age is exercise appropriate and what type of exercise is ideal ...

Movie Ratings: What You Should Know About It

Your 12-year-old child wants to see the newest movie that’s all the rage. You’re not sure it’s appropriate for your child to watch. Movie ratings ...

How to Protect Your Child during Outdoor School Sports

Children love to spend time outdoors when the temperatures get warmer. Some children play outdoor school sports while others simply spend time outdoors at home. ...

Adolescent Health Visit

This fall thousands of adolescents and young adults are starting middle school, high school and college.  Before they start school, they should visit their Pediatrician ...

Eliminate Chaos: The 10-Step Process to Organize Your Home and Life

I find it amazing how clutter affects most of us and still, we can’t seem to find the strength to clean up our mess. Clutter ...

Media Influence on Kids: Monster or Magician?

Media influence on kids has become the subject of increased focus by parents, educators, and healthcare professional. New research has named several areas of influence ...

How to Inspire Kids to Embrace Exercise

As a parent, you want what’s best for your children. You want them to be healthy and happy. One way to ensure they’re healthy is ...

The Family that Eats Together Stays Healthy Together

Recent studies have shown that not only do children like to sit down at the dinner table and eat a meal with their parents, but ...

Working Mother Advice: How to Manage Your Kids’ After-School Activities

Working mothers often have a double duty. They work a 9-to-5 job (or some other shift); then they get home and have to take care ...

Secrets of an Organized Mom

Stressed out mothers and many others want to know the secrets of being an organized mom. They may wonder if being organized as a mother ...

Mother and Daughter Bonding Ideas

You’ve often heard of ‘Mama’s boys’ and ‘Daddy’s girls’ which may lead you to believe it’s not possible for moms to have special relationships with ...

Reasons Why Children Should Avoid Fad Diets

It’s not unusual for adults to choose to go on fad diets in order to lose weight for a special occasion. While no one expects ...

Strength Training Improves Insulin Sensitivity in Liver for Teens

It’s a well known fact that obesity is associated with Type II diabetes.  The American Academy of Pediatrics has recommended increased physical activity as the ...

Baby Blues – Perinatal and Postpartum Depression

Pregnancy and the arrival of a new baby is usually a joyous time for the new parents and their families.  Months of planning, preparation for ...

Lessons from our Summer Trip–Part 2

The benefits of travel include helping your child to increase their visual-spatial skills, knowledge of geography, and interest in history.

When Does Worry Become Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder? Part 1

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH 2009) has produced a 15-point scale that defines various levels of the continuum of normal worrying to clinical ...

Violent Video Game Debate

Violent video games have been defined by California law as one that involves “killing, maiming, dismembering or sexually assaulting an image of a human being” ...

Simple Steps to Protect Kids Against Media Influence

Children and adolescents spend, on average, more than seven hours a day with media, including television, the Internet, social media, texting, movies, music and video ...

Adolescent Boys Who Practice Mindfulness Meditation Show Improved Mood and Contentment

Mindfulness refers to being completely in touch with and aware of the present moment, as well as taking a non-evaluative and non-judgmental approach to your ...

FDA Warns Against Over the Counter Chelation

The FDA warned eight companies that market over-the-counter (OTC) chelation therapies that their products are unapproved drugs and it is a violation to make unsubstantiated claims ...

One in Five Adolescents Have Psychiatric Disorder

Researchers at the National Institute of Mental Health have reported on the prevalence data on a broad range of mental disorders in a nationally representative ...

Therapy Dogs Reduce Stress in Autistic Children

A new study by researchers at the Universite of Montreal published in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology reveals that Autistic children who are exposed to the presence ...

Increasing Empathy for Children with Learning Problems

I have just returned from a trip to Europe that gave me a lot of insights as to how it must feel to be a ...

TV and Video Game Time Associated with Psychological Problems

A recent study published in Pediatrics indicates that children who watch television or play computer games more than two hours a day have a higher ...

Childhood ADHD May Predict Depression and Suicidality

A recent study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry showed that children diagnosed with ADHD between 4 to 6 years old were at higher ...

Pertussis Vaccination Should Include Parents and Caretakers

Recently there has been a lot of news about the Pertussis (Whooping Cough) outbreak; there has been a concerted effort to vaccinate all children against ...

How to Survive Sleepovers

It’s inevitable. If you have children they will eventually ask if they can have a friend, or friends, spend the night. For those who remember ...

Supplements in Toddlers

Parents hope they’re doing the best things for their children. This is true from the day the child is born until they grow up and ...

Soap & Water Wipes Prevent Skin Infections in Wrestlers

Wrestlers can easily transmit skin infections during wrestling competitions;  these infections can be bacterial, fungal or viral.  Some wrestlers compete in 3 or more matches ...