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Parenting Blog & Articles

Turn Down the Volume: Noise and Kids

Unfortunately, for some this message is coming too late. U.S. government survey data shows that approximately 5.2 million children ages 6 to 19 already have ...

Working Mother’s Fitness Tips

Working mothers have a lot to do. Not only do they spend at least eight hours a day working outside of the home, they also ...

School Bag Safety – What to Look For

With the heavy load of books that children have to carry around in school, it is no wonder that safety is becoming more of an ...

Offer Rewards and Get your Kids to Tidy Up

Raise your hand if you want to clean? No hands were raised. When you ask your kids they won’t raise their hands either. But, if ...

Cyber-bullying – An Explanation

Cyberbullying has increased along with the popularity of the internet. To effectively qualm cyber bullying, it is important not only to know the meaning of ...

Two and Three-Year-Old Children are Excellent Negotiators

Torgeir Alvestad, a researcher from the University of Gothenberg in Sweden, has written a fascinating thesis paper based on studying the play of two and ...

New Study Find Signs of Schizophrenia in Babies

Researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Columbia University have found that signs of schizophrenia can be detected in babies as ...

Exercise in Boys Improve Insulin Resistance and Body Fat

A recent study presented at the American Diabetes Association 70th Scientific  Sessions demonstrated that aerobic or resistance exercise (weight lifting) in obese boys can decrease the ...

Pertussis Cases on the Rise in California

There has been a rise in reported cases of Whooping Cough (Pertussis) this year in California.  Over 900 confirmed and over 600 suspected cases have ...

Teen Males “Sack Tapping”

Teen males have always found ways to express their testosterone spurts during their formative years.  In the past they would find risky activities like climbing ...

Binge Eating Severity Found to be Directly Related to Severity of Childhood Sexual or Emotional Abuse

Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is an eating disorder in which an individual eats large quantities of food, usually very quickly. However, unlike Bulimia, the person ...

AAP Updates Drowning Prevention Recommendations

The AAP released new recommendations on the prevention of drowning in young children.  In the past recommendations, the AAP did not have any scientific studies ...

Nintendo Gets American Heart Association Stamp of Approval

Videogames have been criticized as one of the main causes of obesity in the United States.  Every year the U.S. spends millions of dollars on ...

Parental Suicide Increases Rate of Suicide and Psychiatric Disorders in Children

In the May 2010 issue of The Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, the results of a large study at John Hopkins Children’s Center reveals ...

ADHD and Pesticide Exposure

A recent study published in the June online edition of Pediatrics showed that children with higher levels of organophosphate pesticide metabolites in their urine were at ...

Rotavirus Vaccine Reduce Hospitalizations

The Rotateq vaccine was introduced to the U.S. market in 2006; it is used to prevent gastroenteritis caused by the Rotavirus virus.  Rotavirus causes severe vomiting ...

Children’s Medication Recall

On April 30, 2010, McNeil Consumer Healthcare announced a voluntary recall of many of their children’s over-the-counter medications.  This recall is not due to any ...

At-Risk Children who Display Self-Regulation of Behavior have Better Academic Performance

A new study to be published in Early Childhood Research Quarterly by Michaella Sektnan reveals that at-risk children who are better able to control their ...

Asthma and Vitamin D

A recent article published in the Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology looked at the relationship between asthmatic children and vitamin D levels. The study ...

Current Criteria for Diagnosing Eating Disorders May Exclude Sickest Patients

A new study from the Stanford University School of Medicine and Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital has found that many patients who do not meet full ...

ADHD in Adolescents Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Stimulants

In a recent study comparing treatment regimens in adolescents with ADHD and substance abuse problems, patients were given Concerta with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and placebo with CBT.  The ...

Cyber Bullying

Bullying is no longer about the strong picking on the weak in the schoolyard. Many students are using texting, e-mails, chat rooms and social networks ...

Parental Spanking Linked to Aggressive Behavior in Children

A new study published in the journal Pediatrics suggests that mothers who spank their 3 year old children are placing them at risk for becoming ...

Obesity Gene Can Be Counteracted

Many obese patients like to blame their weight problems on their genes.  A recent study in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine evaluated a specific ...

ADHD diagnosed in Adults

More and more adults are now being diagnosed with ADHD.  Part of the reason is that ADHD is now recognized more and more by physicians ...

The Internet Dilemma

Children are learning at a very young age to use the internet to gather information and to connect with friends. It is important to make ...

Young Bullies seek power, status, and affection.

A new study from the Netherlands published in the March/April 2010 issue of the journal Child Development looks at underlying reasons that children bully their  peers. ...

FDA Temporarily Suspends Rotarix Vaccine

The FDA has temporarily suspended the use of Rotarix vaccine in children.  Rotarix vaccine is a vaccine given by mouth to infants to prevent gastroenteritis ...

Baby Sling Recall

Recently a popular mode of carrying infants is with a sling.  Over 1 million baby slings have been sold by Infantino and there had been ...

Montelukast Helpful in Recurrent Wheezing

A recent study shows that Montelukast (Singulair) helps with children who develop recurrent wheezing after a bout of RSV bronchiolitis.  RSV bronchiolitis is a viral ...

Time for Spring Cleaning

Now is the perfect time to clean your house to minimize allergy triggers.  The first thing is to vacuum up the nasty pollens and dust ...

Earlier Than Expected Allergy Season

A recent article from MSNBC/Women’s Health attributes an earlier allergy season to climate change and increased carbon dioxide levels. Spring is now here and pollen ...

Rethinking ‘‘Generation Me’’

In a scientific analysis of approximately one-half million high-school seniors over three decades,  Brent Donnellan and Kali Trzesniewski of the University of Western Ontario argue teens ...

Allergy and Asthma Season

Spring is just around the corner and patients with allergies should start to thinking about signs of allergies and strategies to avoid symptoms.  As the ...

Superior Academic Performance Linked to Increased Risk for Bipolar Disorder

Young students who excel at school, particularly in creative subjects, are almost 4 times more likely develop bipolar disorder during the next decade than teenagers ...

Antidepressants Cut Risk of Hospital Re-admission for Suicidal Youth

Suicidal adolescents who were prescribed an antidepressant medication during inpatient psychiatric hospital treatment were 85 percent less likely than others to be readmitted within a ...